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Warming Equinox Breakfast: Baked Plums + Homemade Granola

Warming Equinox Breakfast: Baked Plums + Homemade Granola

We are coming up to that point in the year where — despite a recent bout of snow (and rain!) — the days are beginning to lengthen and mornings are getting lighter with each new day. And it's pretty common knowledge now that as our surroundings change, our own internal rhythms do as well.

To honour that, and help you with that last little stretch of the winter months, we decided to share a recipe with you today that warms our hearts for this final dash of cold… and hopefully it will do the same for you as well!

Sweet, delicious and delectable, plums are full of flavour but also packed with nutrients such as vitamin A, C + K, as well as potassium, copper and manganese. They are also rich in antioxidants, which can reduce inflammation, improve bone health and reduce the risk of heart disease/ diabetes — so lots of health benefits to kick start your day!

From the title, you've probably also guessed that we have devised a pretty unique and absolutely delightful way of serving our plums… baked! With this we've added our homemade granola recipe as well, perfect for breakfast or for a hearty snack.

You could also serve this as a delicious dessert, or have your plums with whatever else you fancy… greek yoghurt, more fruit, on top of some sourdough toast, with ice cream. Our recipes are always just inspirations for your own food ideas and a chance to share the yumminess we like to create in the kitchen 😀


Baked Plums + Homemade Granola Recipe
Serves 6
Baked Plums
6 plums
2 teaspoons of cinnamon
1 tablespoon of honey/maple syrup (less or more depending on sweetness preferences!)
Homemade Granola
400g jumbo oats
6 tablespoons of coconut oil/olive oil
160ml of honey/maple syrup
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
250g nuts/seeds/dried fruit of your choice! (e.g. almonds, cashews, walnuts, pumpkin, sunflower seeds, raisins, dates, coconut flakes)
Trika Retreats

  1. Cut plums down the middle and part so you can squeeze the stone out. Slice the two halves into smaller segments, so you have about 6 slices for each whole plum.
  2. Line your baking tray and lay your plum slices out.
  3. Sprinkle your cinnamon and sweetener of choice evenly out on our plums. Add/detract spice + sweetness to your tastes!
  4. Bake at 180 degrees in your oven for 20 minutes, give or take a few minutes if your oven cooks at a faster/slower rate.
  5. Place your oats in a mixing bowl, adding your oil and sweetener of choice. Add cinnamon and mix until the oats begin to stick and clump a little.
  6. Spread on another lined tray and bake for about 15 minutes, just as they start to golden but not loads (do check!)
  7. Remove your plums to cool, and add nuts/seeds to your granola, stirring so evenly distributed. Put granola back in the oven for another 5 mins, so nuts/seeds can lightly toast. Do keep an eye - granola can easily burn!
  8. Once granola is nicely browned and toasted, remove and leave to cool for 10 or so minutes. You may want to add some bits of choc at this point too 😛
  9. Serve plums on a bed of granola with added yoghurt/ milk of your choice, and extra sweetener if you fancy. Serve to fam, friends or simply yourself on these mornings for that added injection of warmth. However you choose — ENJOY!!


Trika Retreats

Do let us know how your plum baking, granola making goes. Half the fun of making food is sharing it with the world 😋

If you find yourself really liking our recipes too, then this is just one of the many we make on our Retreats! Fun, adventure, nature-filled retreats we host across various beautiful spots in the UK and Europe, which you can read about more here. They are full of delicious, nourishing food!

And if with our Spring Equinox lil recipe we've got you in the mood to mark the seasonal shift, then we also have a wee workshop running themed around this time — Energising Flow + Nidra to Re-emerge, Rebalance and Realign. It's with the lovely Bryony, Sunday 19th March at 12.30pm. More details here. Come along if you fancy it ❣️


Tag us @trikayoga on IG if you make this dish!

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